Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Parenting Guide Touch Lives Of Little Children Be An Adopted Grandmother

Writen by Peter Lim

Do you know you can touch a life and be an adopted "grandma" to some kids of a single mother or mothers in need?

I was reading an article that talks about life in Japan, where there are elderly ladies who offer themselves as adopted grandmothers, as they have no grandchildren of their own.

These are not grandma for hire, but grandma who can be surrogate grandma and able to treat other children as their own, pampers them and chides them. It is a flexible working arrangement to help others and derive immense satisfaction in return. The children in turn, adore the adopted grandma.

The grandma in this way gets an instant grandchild or children, the instant grandma is not a full time grandmother but she is able to lead her life while her grandchildren live theirs with their real mother.

While circumstances have not allowed her to have real grandchildren of her own, by this arrangement of being the "adopted grandmother", she can have her share of enjoying herself with grandchildren that are not really her own.

An adopted grandmother loves their grandchildren and can render help in whatever way she can, and also ease the pressure on taking care of grandchildren for single moms and mothers who are under tremendous pressure because of domestic difficulties.

Strictly while there is no formal relationship, the adopted grandmother is more likely to be like a god-mother of sorts. The grandchildren can become their source of delight and joy, and the grandchildren can now have an instant grandmother that they can "play" with and love being spoilt by their grandma.

The adopted grandma is not a maid...and she is not expected to cook or supervise the children or look after the children for someone else full time.

It is a simple arrangement to enable you to touch the lives of those children who need a grandmother, and for you to enjoy grandchildren where you have not had the opportunity to have real grandchildren or where you now desire to have grandchildren again.

If you need a touch of young grandchildren fighting over your lap for attention, or if you like to touch the lives of others who need a grandmother's affection, start looking for people you know who may need your help as an adopted grandmother.

Peter Lim is a Certified Financial Planner and webmaster. For free parenting tips and ideas on how to handle difficult parenting situations, visit his website "The Complete Parenting Guide" at