Saturday, December 20, 2008

Balanced Mom Avoid The Naysayers

Writen by Bria Simpson

"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill

If anyone had told me two years ago that I would write a book, I would have told them they were insane. I didn't think I knew how to write a book! A whole book? Are you crazy?

And yet...gradually...from listening to the encouraging voices around me, and the passion within me, I realized I could at least try to write a book. I could at least try to get it published. And I would not have been able to muster up the courage, believe me, if I had listened to the nay-sayers. When one acquaintance heard of this endeavor, she remarked "and what makes you qualified to write a book?". If I had listened to the nay-sayers, people who are often too wrapped up in their own fears to break free of them, I would have slipped back into my own uncertainties, and very likely given up when challenges appeared.

Consider these tips to help you avoid the nay-sayers and stay connected with positive energy as you march towards the pursuit of a dream:

Discover your internal support and stay tuned into it. Whether it's writing in a journal, doing yoga, walking or jogging in nature, meditating or praying, or something else, discover what gives you internal strength. Stay regularly tuned into that source. Trust your instincts when others aren't supportive. It's likely that some people in your life will not be able to appreciate your courage. Minimize your precious time with those who don't support you.

Protect yourself from chronic pessimists. Some people are just stuck in their own negativity. It's nothing personal against you. But they will sap your energy if you let them.

Surround yourself with those who lift you up. Actively create a support system. Invite an encouraging friend out to lunch or out to talk after the kids are in bed. Email or call supportive friends who live elsewhere. Positive energy is really infectious and is often just we need to keep moving forward.

Avoid the nay-sayers, seek out the "You-Go-Girl!" people in your life and keep connected with your internal strength. You will likely enjoy a much smoother path as you take baby steps towards bigger goals.

© 2006 by Bria Simpson
All rights and media reserved.

Bria Simpson, MA Life Coach and Parenting Specialist Author, The Balanced Mom Raising Your Kids Without Losing Yourself