Saturday, January 10, 2009

Are Your Kids At Risk Of Obesity

Writen by Kim Beardsmore

Kids need physical activity. We all know that, but if you are a parent have you stopped to consider how much physical activity your child has had today? It's clear that children in the US and other developed countries such as Australia and the UK are getting more and more overweight and our children are moving less each day.

Kids need a total of about 60 minutes of physical activity a day, but this does not have to be all at one time. Short ten or even 5 minute bouts of activity through the day are just as good. If you children are not used to being activity, encourage them to start with what they can do and build up to 60 minutes a day.

Here are some ways to help encourage your child to be active and get moving every day.

1. Set a good example. If your children see that you are physically active and have fun, they are more likely to be active and stay active throughout their lives. Take the dog for a regular walk, get on a bike, play cricket in the backyard.

2. Encourage your child to join a sports team or class, such as soccer, dance, basketball, or gymnastics at school or at your local community or recreation center.

3. Be sensitive to your child's needs. If your child feels uncomfortable participating in activities like sports, help him or her find physical activities that are fun and not embarrassing.

4. Be active together as a family. Assign active chores such as making the beds, washing the car, or vacuuming. Plan active outings such as a trip to the zoo, picnics or a walk through a local park.

5. Because his or her body is not ready yet, do not encourage your pre-adolescent child to participate in adult-style physical activity such as long jogs, using an exercise bike or treadmill, or lifting heavy weights. FUN physical activities are best for kids.

Kim Beardsmore M.B.A. (H.R.M.), B.Sc. (Biochemistry) is an independent Herbalife distributor, weight loss coach and creator of the online health & fitness magazine Weight Loss Health. For a free weight loss consultation, newsletter and resources to help you lose weight and keep it off forever, visit Your online Herbalife store at Herbalife business opportunity: