Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How Useful Are Bed Wetting Alarms

Writen by G Jones

Whenever parents discuss how to deal with bed wetting, the topic of alarms inevitably gets raised. Bed wetting alarms can be useful devices, but in spite of the popularity with which they get discussed, they should not really be considered a first line option. Bed wetting alarms are highly useful, but they are probably only worthwhile once you have tried a few other methods.

Children all develop at different rates. A child who hasn't been able to master staying dry at night, may well be able to do some other task that a 'dry' child cannot do. Never forget, if your child wets the bed, they are almost certain to be better than other children at some other developmental achievement. All children are different.

That's why patience is the best option for dealing with bed wetting. In most children the condition goes away naturally; the child grows up. That's why bed wetting alarms are not always necessary. Not because they don't work (they do) but because you will be spending money unnecessarily. Bed wetting alarms that get children to be dry at night may be helpful, but if your child was going to be dry anyway (as most children will be), you could well have wasted your money.

The reason why bed wetting alarms are such a popular topic for discussion amongst parents who have children who wet the bed is because these alarms work. They produce results; but don't be in too much of a hurry to get those results.

So, when should you consider an alarm? If several months of positive encouragement to be dry as well as patience and a friendly household haven't shown some improvements, then you may need an alarm.

The kind of alarm you choose needs to be right for your child. So don't just go and buy the first one you see. The alarm needs to be comfortable for the child - after all they are going to have to use it. Also, your child needs to be motivated to use the alarm. If they don't want to us it, it won't work for them. So simple things like the color can affect motivation. What it looks like, the kind of noise the buzzer makes and so on, can all have an impact on your child, so you should pay attention to these factors. Never buy an alarm without your child. See it as their alarm, rather than yours.

These alarms work by detecting moisture. When your child starts urinating, the alarm senses the first drop of wetness and sounds a buzzer. For some children, the buzzer will wake them and they will then be able to go to the bathroom to finish off urinating. For other children, the alarm will not wake them - but it will wake you. You can then gently wake your child and take them to the bathroom. The idea behind these alarms is that your child begins to associate the feelings of a full bladder with the noise of the alarm and waking. Eventually, the alarm can be taken away and they should be able to wake themselves normally.

Alarms can certainly help with bed wetting. But they will only do so with the full participation of your child. Otherwise you will be wasting your money. You could also be spending money unnecessarily if you rush to by an alarm when nature would have taken its course if you were more patient.

For more information on how to deal with bed wetting and end the misery for your child visit Bed Wetting Info.