Writen by Lance Winslow
Teenage drug abuse is running ramped in the United States and we need another Nancy Reagan type to get the kids to 'just say no.' We must do something as it seems that everywhere in the country the kids are doing the crystal meth. Many seem to get addicted and they are filling up our jails, rehabilitation centers and causing a real labor problem in this country.
The problem is so bad that many employers assume everyone who comes in to get a job has drug problem or they would already have a job, so it hurts the good kids too. Some parents having grown up in the sixties and seventies thing that well the kids are going to try it. Indeed, but this is not the same types of drugs they did, this is a whole new ball game, the stuff is more potent then cut cocaine and lasts longer once they take it. This means that they are up sometimes for days and it literally starts destroying their bodies.
The health care costs alone in the future is a real problem as these kids if they do not get un-hooked will be having heart attacks by age 35 and someone is going to have to pay for all that. Currently if the 30% in some areas of kids using the drugs start having heart attacks or chronic illness issues at such a young age then it will bankrupt our health care system. So parents need to talk about this with their kids and if they have a problem with it, get them help or help them with their addiction. It affects us all and it is a serious issue, think on this.
Lance Winslow
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